
Showing posts from September, 2023


These three littles were hoped for and talked about (in Turkey!) LONG before they ever even arrived. They call each other "cousins" now, probably just to see the reactions more than anything, but still, I love it. Never would I have guessed that Seamus and Vivian would be at the same high school together, and that Sullivan is the reason Matt gets to relive our own boys' youth sports days!  2009 vs. 2023 Flag football on a Saturday morning...  Matt was bursting with happiness to be back cheering on the sidelines!  

One To Go

Two years ago, almost to the date, I started my coursework to become a Lactation Consultant. Today I started my final clinical hours - my lactation internship.  The last two years have been a lesson in patience and humility unlike anything I expected. But they've also been two years of lessons, really important lessons , in self worth.  In trusting that I can make myself a priority.  That I should make myself a priority.  In acknowledging that I'm capable.  In letting go of uncertainty.  In embracing possibility.  Two years to go... This morning.  Smiling and nervous.  This afternoon. Still smiling and still nervous.  And excited for tomorrow. 

Sweet SIXteen

Vivian Jayne is 16. Matt and I surprised her with a New York City trip last weekend to see the show she's been talking about forever - SIX.  SIX on Broadway with our SIXteen year old.  How sweet, indeed.  Friday night flight Hotel views  Times Square  Late night dinner at Tony's Di Napoli  NYC  Saturday morning...  ferry into lower Manhattan  Battery Park Merchant Marine Memorial  Lady Liberty  Charging Bull Fearless Girl Freedom Tower One World Trade Center  911 Memorial  A Wild Life for Wildlife Little Island  Chelsea Market The High Line Old Tree  Hudson Yards - The Vessel Saturday night... SIX on Broadway After show dinner at Junior's ...we'd been waiting for you Sunday morning... The New York Public Library St. Patrick's Cathedral Central Park  Radio City Music Hall  29 August 2023  she officially turned  SIXTEEN... All of those wishes... may all of those wishes came true, sweet girl.