
Showing posts from October, 2023

Weekend Plans

It is great to live back in the world again! To live in a place that has entertainment and culture and sports and nature and diversity . So much diversity. It's been so nice!  We've been exploring the city and the suburbs and everything in between. Last weekend Matt, Viv and I went into the city for dinner. Matt made reservations at a popular Mexican restaurant, which was actually a bar, but in the words of Henry Hanson, that's neither here nor there. We had such a fun night - great people watching, great company, great food.  And great margaritas :)  El Techo DC

Occaquan Chase 2023

Vivian's first regatta is in the books!! She raced two different lower junior boats (a four and an eight) and had a blast.  There were some super fast boats out there today, and the wind was kind of a beast, but the Resilient girls held their own! New kid, new sport...let's goooo Viv!!  It was a beautiful day for a race! Viv was stroke seat in the four  (pink visor) She was 4 seat in the 8... in the wind the 8 was much better than the 4!  After all that work, she was still smiling! So, so proud of you, Viv!!

Glow Era

Viv has declared this her "glow era". She had to explain that term to me and I had to look it up, but she's absolutely right. It is.  Love this girl. 

Charm City

Last weekend Matt and I were in Baltimore. Those Orioles fans were a little gritty and I kinda loved it! Camden Yards Pre-game at Pickles Pub From Baltimore to Colorado... cheers to Maxwell  Fells Point 

Fly Tuscaloosa

There's one thing I miss about Florida.  Literally. Only one thing. The one thing I miss is being a 4 hour drive from Henry in Tuscaloosa. Does that technically count as missing "Florida"? Probably not, but all of that to say that for the first time since Henry's been at UA, we had to fly  to see him. 783 miles to get to Henry now, but a thousand percent worth it. One of us couldn't hang with a 6:15am departure  The Air BnB that we shared with two other SAM families was fantastic  Glory Bound on the strip - always our go-to! Our first time Rama Jama's  9:00am on gameday and the line was already crazy  Matt stayed in line for food and I went to get drinks.  He said, "just don't get the mimosas. We'll never finish two bottles" Oops.  Needless to say, we didn't have a problem finishing the bottles Tailgating at the SAM house So good to see our boy!!  We made it to the game but HOLY SMOKES for hot!  We lasted through the first quarter... ...a