
Showing posts from January, 2024

Snowy Days

 A week of snow days from Colorado to Alabama to Virginia!  Moose in Denver, Colorado probably won the week with this one! Beansie's apartment view in Florence, Alabama  ...and his drive to work the next morning snow day was canceled on Tuesday!  it made for such a pretty night  round 2 started Thursday night and surprise!  No school!  snow makes me revert back to a kid from Texas... it's a magical novelty every time! until the next time...

This is 52

It probably wasn't the way Matt would've chosen to spend his birthday but he insists it was still a good day! Selfless and optimistic, as always.   Here's to another trip around the sun, Matt. The kids and I love you more than you could possibly know, and I promise next year, you won't have to make your own dinner :)  Viv took over the cake, the sign and the wrapping!  Homemade noodles for chicken noodle soup from scratch Delicious and soooo healing! Never has someone been so excited about socks!  Just what he asked for (for Christmas!)  Cheers to another year of hard work and hard play!!  I love you so! 

Home For Christmas

The kids were all home for Christmas. Last year, I wasn't so sure we'd have another Christmas with the five of us all together, but (YAY!) we squeaked one more year out! This year was pretty quiet compared to others - no big trips, no big plans. We hung out, we ate and drank, we played pool, we watched football, we shopped, we hiked. We did all the things, and nothing at all. This year was just about being home, together.  For 6 nights I had the best sleep. For 6 nights, all 5 of us were under one roof again.  We were all home.  December 24, 2023  Matt thought he'd wear this to Mass... ...he was wrong Viv definitely had a gift giving theme this year!  #pullforwoodson December 25, 2023 Christmas morning Santa left a trail of wrapped "goodies"  from my bedroom door to the living room  A wine fridge!  Santa brought me a wine fridge and the  wrapped "goodies" were 18 bottles of wine to fill it! Christmas stocking scratch offs for the kids... $7 was the big w