
Showing posts from May, 2024

Stotesbury Cup Regatta 2024

WOW for fast boats!! 181 schools, 4774 athletes and 936 boats from across the country. It was so impressive! Viv was stroke seat in a Junior 8+ boat that PR'ed (5 min, 29 seconds) but didn't advance to the semi-finals. Their category had the most boats competing and Woodson placed 20th out of 37. Viv was disappointed to not advance but she was so proud of their showing!  Next up...Nationals in New Jersey next weekend. Only the Women's 1V and 2V boats are going, but Viv was selected as an alternate, so she'll get to experience it too.   We are so, so proud of our girl! Congratulations, young ladies!

Virginia State Champions

 Woodson Women's 3V 8+ are VIRGINIA STATE CHAMPIONS!!! They did it!!!  I have so many feelings about this for Viv, but I don't think I can put them into words quite yet.  In time though.  Until then, congratulation sweet girl. This is so well earned. 

April in Pictures

 We celebrated our way through the end of April!  Celebrated birthdays in Texas Celebrated winning races on the Occaquan  Celebrated new love and old friends in Minnesota  Celebrated a Nats win at Nationals Park in DC  Celebrated Mary In Virginia  And rounded it out with another first place finish and celebration on the 'Quan