Head of the Occoquan 2023

I couldn't be more proud of Vivian. 

She completely bought in to crew this fall, and something that she was kind of interested in, has turned into something that she absolutely loves. And even better, it's all her own. In the Hanson family, rowing belongs solely to Viv. It's not easy to be the third kid, behind two brothers that are strong and accomplished. She's risen to the occasion though and she's thriving. 

Resilient Rowing gave Viv the opportunity to gain confidence and strength in both her body and mind. And it was her that chose to take that opportunity. Not every teenager would do that, and certainly not every new kid would. There are days that I wonder what this military life that Matt and I have chosen...what effect has it had on the kids? Viv especially. The last kid left at home; the new kid all by herself. What has that done? Have we screwed this whole thing up and made her high school years harder than they need to be? 

And then a day like Sunday comes around. And she tells me how proud she is of herself. And I can breath a little easier, and I can sleep a little better. 

Viv, I couldn't be more proud of you, my girl. 

Two peas in a pod! :) 


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