
Showing posts from February, 2024

This is 12

Happy Gotcha Day to Wicket!! Yesterday he turned 12 years old (ish - we think) and we celebrated his 10 years of being a Hanson.  I can not imagine life without this little guy, even as old and grumpy as he is!  February 26, 2024 

100 days of January

Has long did January lasted?? I swear it felt like 100 days! Most of mine was spent with ibuprofen and pajamas, so I guess it makes sense? I also feel like I had to readjust my mind set 100 times during January. From "this is going to be terrible month" to "thank God I'm able to take time off to recover" to "if I don't don't get out of the house I'm going to lose my mind" and then back to "I never want to leave my bed and my heating pad is my best friend" .  I tell you, it was a wild ride!  I did figure somethings out during January though. I figured out how to give myself some grace. I allowed my body to rest and recover. Maybe it was by virtue of getting older...who knows. Whatever it was though, it felt good. I slowed down and I focused on what I needed, and if it was help that I needed, I asked for it.  That's progress, folks.  I couldn't have done any of that without two of the very best though. Matt and Viv were the